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萬松堂寶茶批發代理 護養肝袋泡茶OEM代加工
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供應廣州萬松堂火麻四寶茶 保健茶袋泡茶養生茶批發代
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華南保健茶袋泡茶生產廠家 養生袋泡茶 袋泡茶oem
袋泡茶保健茶養生茶廠家 代加工袋泡茶 廣州袋泡茶企業
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外貿出口巴馬湯現貨批發 OEM代加工英文阿拉伯文
出口中東巴馬湯足浴粉現貨批發代理OEM加工 承接外貿出口巴馬湯OEM加工 招商熱線:13902287030 020-87308038 QQ:356537191 email:356537191@qq.com “春天泡腳,開陽固銳;夏天泡腳,署理可祛;秋天泡腳,肺潤腸蠕;冬天泡腳,丹田暖和。”長期泡腳,有助于身體健康,。 產品名稱:瑤族巴馬神湯 主要成份:檀香、丁香、獨活、桂枝、當歸、艾葉、菖蒲、薄荷等 作 用:爽足香體、清凈寧神,通經活絡,暢通氣血,辟穢除污,斂汗除臭,防病健身。 規 格:10克X10袋/盒 使用方法:每袋先用適量沸水浸泡,攪拌3-5分鐘,加入適當的水調至適宜溫度,浴足20分鐘即可。連續使用3-7天可腳汗、腳臭、,使腳得到充分的保健通經舒絡,緩解疲勞,長期使用效果更佳。 萬松堂瑤族巴馬湯是由萬松堂集團多年的足浴包生產加工經驗,傳承國醫之精華,創新草本之炒用。利用現代生物制藥提純、萃取,研制成可通絡、祛病養生,有消腳疾、保護心腦、美容駐 顏等多種養生功效的“巴馬湯”草本浴足粉。本產品適用人群廣,適合三高、閉經、痛經、血脈不暢,心腦血管不不暢人群的通過足療保健養生,同時也是饋贈親 人、長輩、朋友之佳品。送禮送健康,愛他/她就從愛她的腳開始! Wansongtang Foot Bathing Powder is proprietarily formulated with totally green natural herbs produced in Yao Ethnic habitat, such as sea salt, cnidium, cotex dictamni, boric acid, Sophora, based on the health recipe practiced by the centenarians in the World’s longevity County, Bama County in Guangxi. It has no side effect, and is the preferred choice for you to bathe your feet and build your health. As the saying goes “A tree ages starting from its root and a human from his/her feet” The Wansongtang Foot Bathing Powder is proprietarily formulated with specialty herbs produced in Yao Ethnics in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, based on the health recipe practiced by the centenarians in the World’s Longevity County, Bama County in Guangxi. The long-term use can help promote blood circulation, prevent foot and other diseases, protect heart and brain, it also has beauty and other health effects. The experience of “Three Relives” 1) Pore Relief Bathing your feet for 5-10 minutes with “Wansongtang Bama Herbal Foot Bathing Powder”, you will feel pores are opening and very much relaxed and relieved, particularly with comfortable breathing. 2) Fatigue Relief Bathing your feet for 30 minutes with “Wansongtang Bama Herbal Foot Bathing Powder” After work for the day, your fatigue accumulated for the day would get eliminated instantly. This kind of comfortable relief is quite different from that of taking supplements. 3) Sleepiness Relief Are you a night owl working every evening? Then, bathe your feet with “Wansongtang bama Herbal Foot Bathing Powder” while working, which would give a total relaxed enjoyment, instead of nervous excitement incited by insomnia medication. [Product Name] Wangsongtang Foot Bathing Powder [Ingredients] Refined sea salt, Polygala aureocauda, radix clematidis, cnidium, cotex dictamni, boric acid [Indications] Podiatry, sub-health, cardiovascular diseases, prostatitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins, rheumatoid joint pain, heel pain, antipyretic, promoting blood circulation and nourishing heart and soothing the nerves, shortness of breath and uneasiness, neurasthenia, insomnia caused by heart diseases. [Weight] 10 grams [Shelf Life] 2 Years [Storage Requirement] Store in a cool and dry place [Size] 10g/Package × 102018-08-25 11:56
2013-12-22 17:30
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